Gemstone Index: Rhyolite
Rhyolite gemstone beads can look very similar to jaspers, and the popular green variety of rhyolite is sometimes called rainforest jasper. Similarly, the type of rhyolite that displays red, yellow, brown, and pinkish spots is descriptively called leopardskin jasper. Rhyolites, igneous rock chemically identical to granite, have beautifully markings which originated when rhyolitic magma and lava cooled from a molten state too quickly for crystals to form. Rhyolite occurs largely in the U.S.A. Types of rhyolite gemstones represent change, variety, and progress. They are said to help increase creativity, self-realization, self-respect, and the capacity to love.

Birdseye Rhyolite beads and pendants (aka bird's eye rhyolite) display truly eye-catching, circular markings that make a stunning statement perfect for jewelry focals! The patterns on this semiprecious gemstone are formed from spheres of radiating minerals. Colors range from deep burgundy and chocolate brown to pale pink and cream. Birdseye rhyolite beads are cut from rough found in Mexico. Rhyolites often look like jaspers, but they are actually a type of igneous rock with high silica content. Rhyolite gemstones often represent change, variety, and progress. They are said to help increase creativity, self-realization, self-respect, and the capacity to love.
Leopardskin Jasper beads are descriptively named, and are actually cut from a type of rhyolite, composed in part of feldspar minerals. These semiprecious beads are mottled with red, yellow, brown, and pinkish spots like the fur of a leopard. It is considered a wonderful gemstone for bringing wanted things into your life. It also may enhance your total vibration, stabilizing the heart and solar plexus areas. In general, rhyolite gemstones are said to represent change, variety, and progress. They are said to light the fire of creativity, help with self-realization, balance emotions, increase self-respect, and enhance the capacity to love.

The beautiful swirls on Ocean Jasper beads, pendants and cabochons often look like dramatic sea spray and sea foam.
Also known as fisheye jasper and orbicular jasper, this semiprecious gemstone comes from a silicified rhyolite flow (a flow transformed into silica) on the northwest coast of Madagascar. The wavy patterns of green-gray, white, cream, beige, brown, pink, and maroon are timeless favorites on semiprecious beads, cabochons and jewelry components. Long-standing popularity means that good quality rough is now rare.
Ocean jasper is believed to teach responsibility and patience, as well as help regulate breathing for meditation.
Rainforest Rhyolite or Rainforest Jasper: These beautiful gemstone beads and pendants are cut from the well-known variety of rhyolite also known as rainforest jasper. The alternate name is no surprise considering the semiprecious gemstone's swirls of greens, browns, orange (rust), tans, and grays. Various forms of rhyolite look similar to jaspers, but are in fact igneous rock that is chemically identical to granite. The stone originated when very thick rhyolitic magma and lava cooled from a molten state too quickly for crystals to form (in other words, they were thrown from volcanoes in eruptions). This "rainforest" variety of rhyolite often displays interesting banding. Rhyolite beads represents change, variety, and progress.
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