
Superstar Earrings Tutorial

Superstar Earrings Tutorial

Created by: Rita Hutchinson

Designer Tips

  • The WildFire™ cord has enough body to pass through the beads without a needle, but if you prefer, you can use a 4" Igolochkoy beadwork needle (#65-054) or other flexible needle.
  • Tie off ends of cord in a double knot, and use a lighter or thread burner to sear the trimmed ends.
Free Technique Sheets & How-Tos

Suggested Supplies


  • #69-197 Tool, Thread Zap II Thread Burner
  • #69-275-09 Tool, Wubbers™, Bent Chain-Nose Pliers
  • #69-275-03 Tool, Wubbers™, Chain-Nose Pliers
Additional Supplies
  • Scissors
Jan 1st 2021 Rita Hutchinson

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