Go Fly A Kite Enameled Earrings Tutorial
Created by: Summer Melaas
Designer Tips
- Carefully mark spots for holes, and use smaller end of EuroTool "helicopter" punch to add holes to corners of copper blanks.
- Clean the blank with Penny Brite per package instructions. Rinse thoroughly and avoid touching further.
- Spray klyr fire onto blank, and sift on a base coat of white enamel.
- Mix a small amount of each enamel color that you plan to use with Klyr Fire or distilled water in separate well or container.
- Mix each with brush. Desired texture is muddy. If you have too much water, you can wick some away with a brush, add extra enamel, or allow to dehydrate a bit by allowing it to sit.
- Transfer blank to torching basket on tripod, and fire.
- Watch closely: when the enamel begins to melt, you'll see a glossy "orange peel" stage where the enamel beads up before slumping to a smooth fired sheen. Fire a bit more, but don't overheat.
- Allow piece to cool to before touching. You can use the locking tweezers to transfer from the firing basket to a firing brick or pan of warm vermiculite.
- Clean cooled piece briefly in pickle or with Penny Brite. (If you pickle it too long, or clean it excessively, you will damage the enamel.)
- Paint desired colors/design onto enamel base coat. Allow wet enamel to dry completely before firing.
- Repeat firing, cooling, and cleaning steps.
- Connect your new components with jump rings, and add ear wires.

Suggested Supplies
- 2 each #44-780-44 24g Copper Triangle Blank, medium 12x25mm
- 2 each #44-780-43 Copper Triangle Blank, large, 44x22mm
- 1 pair #34-569-03 TierraCast Sterling Silver French Hooks
- 1 pkg (use 4) #37-295-550 Sterling Silver Jump Ring Round, 5mm 19.5g
- 1 each #81-510-001 Klyr Fire Holding Medium
- 1 each #86-221-07 Penny Brite Copper Cleaner
- 1 each #81-500-1010-02 Thompson Opaque 80-Mesh Enamel - Undercoat White, 2oz.
- 1 each #81-500-1880-02 Thompson Opaque 80-Mesh Enamel - Flame Red, 2oz.
- 1 each #81-500-1430-02 Thompson Opaque 80-Mesh Enamels - Spruce Green, 2oz.
- 1 each #81-500-1415-02 Thompson Opaque 80-Mesh Enamels - Sea Foam Green, 2oz.
- 1 each #81-500-2220-02 Thompson Opaque 80-Mesh Enamels - Chartreuse, 2oz.
- #69-235 EURO TOOL 2-Hole Punch
- #69-275-03 Wubbers Chain-Nose Jewelry Making Pliers
- #69-275-02 Wubbers Round-Nose Jewelry Making Pliers
- #65-153 Torching Basket for Enameling by Eugenia Chan
- #69-345-9 EURO TOOL Tripod with Mesh Screen, 9"
- #69-613 Handy Flame II Propane/MAPP Torch
- #69-650-S Small Screen Sifter for 80-Mesh Enamels
- #63-110-01-042 Boston Bottle with Dropper, 1 oz.
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