12th Man Earrings Tutorial

12th Man Earrings Tutorial

Create a pair of sparkling earrings for your favorite football fan! These take just 5 minutes, and a few basic jewelry tools. No glue required, either!This pair of earrings features a "12" charm, but you could also use a team-colored Preciosa rivoli at the bottom instead. Designer TipsPlace a crystal in a setting. Use chain-nose pliers to gently press each prong into place. (more info)Make 6 beaded head pins, with one sapphire bicone bead each. For instructions on making eye pin loops, …
Sep 1st 2021 Rings & Things Staff
Basketball Finals - DIY Team Colors Bracelet

Basketball Finals - DIY Team Colors Bracelet

C'est La Vie Finals BraceletWhether you defy history, or regularly make history, we've got your colors -- over 80 colors to choose from, and a nice variety of frame setting options.Created by: Polly Nobbs-LaRueDesigner TipsGlue 34ss flatback Swarovski crystals into frame charms. Allow to set. See tips for most secure gluing bond.Polish raw brass bracelet with ultrafine sanding sponge. (Or tumble with steel shot and ShineBrite for a couple hours.)Wipe thoroughly with a soft dry cloth to remove an …
Mar 2nd 2021 Polly Nobbs-LaRue
College Days Charm Bracelet Tutorial

College Days Charm Bracelet Tutorial

Created by: Rita HutchinsonDesigner TipsGlue crystal rivolis into settings. Create divots in a piece of scrap Styrofoam, to allow settings to dry flat.Create wrapped loops (or simple loops) with the pearl peards, and attach all components with jump rings. For step-by-step instructions on creating loops, and best way to open and close loops, see Jewelry Basics 101 (PDF).Make sure the chain isn't twisted, and space your "one sided" components carefully, so they all face the same direction.A note a …
Jan 1st 2021 Rita Hutchinson